search through the internet

 search through the internet 

the internet provides many services including the search service through which we can search for different types of information digital audio text images the search for different types of information is done by using keywords there are many internet sites that offer search services called search engines

search engines 

there are many famous search engines 

search engine 

yahoo search engine 

we can use the search engines for searching information through the internet and saving this information on the computer or we can copy from the internet and paste it in a document on the computer

download the file voice video image 

we can use the internet to search for these files and save them on the computer if we want to search for egypt map

we use the appropriate search engine 

or egypt map خريطة مصر we specify the keyword

then we identify the type of information required images or maps 

finally we save the map as an image file into one of the folders that have been created 

you can search for all the required types of files within the project  sound image video download and store it inside the folders teacher should confirm search results that will be shown to the student and saved on the computer

ليست هناك تعليقات:

موقع تعليمي يشكركم جميعا ويتمني للجميع التوفيق والنجاح &يمكنكم الانضمام الي الموقع من خلال رابط الانضمام & يمكنكم طلب شروحات واستفسار في اي وقت علي مدار اليوم

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