operating system
the increasing development of information and communication technology and its relation to business management and projects led to the appearance of the concept of data management
data management
is the process of organizing and directly controlling data generated during a searching process then collecting and entering this data that will processed then saved and producing its output
from your previous study you learned that the operating system can manage files and folders stored in storage units the most important operations carried out by the operating system for managing files and folders are as follows
create folder file
right clicking with the mouse in free place on the desktop opens a shortcut menu from which you choose the command new folder is created with the name your specified
delete folder file
select a folder and display its shortcut menu from which choose command delete to delete the specified folder
naming folder file
select a folder and display its shortcut menu from which choose the command delete to delete the specified folder
creating project folders
after completing this exercise students can create folders to save the project data files
with the help of your teacher work with your colleagues to envision how many folders will be created within the project their suggested names and the types of files that will be saved in each of them
discuss with your teacher and your colleagues the following points
identify the main folder used to save the project
suggest a name for the folder used to store the files of the following
countries flags
counties national anthems
video clips for each country
countries maps
continents and countries names and related data
voice narrations associated with the project
with the help of your teacher work with your colleagues to create the folders associated with the project on the hard disk
ليست هناك تعليقات:
موقع تعليمي يشكركم جميعا ويتمني للجميع التوفيق والنجاح &يمكنكم الانضمام الي الموقع من خلال رابط الانضمام & يمكنكم طلب شروحات واستفسار في اي وقت علي مدار اليوم