search inside electronic encyclopedia
encyclopedia is a distinct type of reference that shows a structured summary of knowledge in a particular field and is arranged in accordance with a certain classification that facilitates searching of required information such as alphabetic order
importance of encyclopedias
it provides an overview of one of the topics and the facts accompanied with articles tables images from maps and bibliographic sources encyclopedias especially the dedicated ones provide instant inquiries and show summaries for specific topics encyclopedias are characterized by the diversity and huge amount of different types of information displayed and the easiness of searching and quick access
organizing encyclopedias
there are two ways to organize information contained in encyclopedias
sorting by alphabet
sorting by scientific classification or by topics
we can search through electronic encyclopedias for the required information
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موقع تعليمي يشكركم جميعا ويتمني للجميع التوفيق والنجاح &يمكنكم الانضمام الي الموقع من خلال رابط الانضمام & يمكنكم طلب شروحات واستفسار في اي وقت علي مدار اليوم